Inspired by the popular Five Nights at Freddy's series, Five Nights at Flip Out is an exciting survival horror game set in Flip Out, the UK's largest indoor adventure park and trampoline park. Players take on the role of a night security guard who must survive five terrifying nights on the job. During the day, the park is bustling with excitement, but as night falls, animatronic characters known as The Flipping Ninjas awaken with a terrifying purpose. Survival is a dangerous and nerve-wracking experience as these ninja-like robots will stop at nothing to find the player.
The premise of the game focuses on a security guard's struggle to survive while these strange robots pursue him. Throughout his five-night shift, the player must track down and defend himself against the increasingly aggressive Flipping Ninjas using a variety of devices, including doors and security cameras. Players must carefully control their powers, avoid traps, and survive until dawn. Featuring a unique trampoline park, the tension, spooky atmosphere, and creepy robots are reminiscent of the original Five Nights at Freddy's Games.
Similar to other point-and-click survival horror games, Five Nights at Flip Out emphasizes resource management and monitoring to avoid being detected by the animatronics.
Launching the Game You will be tasked with night security at the Flip Out trampoline park when the game first launches. Completing your shift and all five nights is your main goal. As the Flipping Ninjas become more active and relentless, each night will become more difficult.
Using Security Cameras The security camera system is the primary means of monitoring the animatronics. It is possible to rotate through multiple camera feeds covering multiple rooms in the park. It is important to keep an eye on the “Flipping Ninjas” as they roam these locations. You must use your cameras carefully to avoid running out of battery before morning as their power supply is limited.
Energy Management In this game, energy management is essential. During your shift, you can only use a certain amount of energy. Using doors, turning on other park systems, and keeping cameras running all require energy. Doors will open and animatronics will have a free chance to approach you if the power goes out. By turning off cameras when not in use and only locking doors when needed, you can effectively manage your energy usage.
Overcoming Animatronic Robots The animatronic robots, commonly known as “Flipping Ninjas,” pose the biggest threat in Five Nights at Flip Outcomes as they will attempt to infiltrate your security office. With each passing night, these robots become more aggressive, roaming the park and trying to break through your fortifications. While you can track their movements with the camera, you will need to be quick to close the doors to prevent them from attacking if they get too close.
Defenses and Offices While this is your safe haven, your security office can still be attacked. You can stop the animatronic robots by closing the doors, but this wastes precious energy. When it comes to opening and closing doors, you will have to make quick decisions. Staying calm is important as there are additional risks and traps that can make your survival more difficult.
Progressing through the nights The Five Nights levels in Flip Out become more difficult each night. As you progress, the Flip Ninjas become more active and you may encounter new mechanics. To survive, you'll need to manage your resources wisely, stay calm when pressed, and monitor the video feed to predict when the animatronics will strike.
By combining the thrilling gameplay of Five Nights at Freddy's with the eerie setting of an indoor trampoline park, Five Nights at Flip Out offers a unique take on the traditional survival horror genre. Resource management, strange animatronics, and the game's tense atmosphere will test your ability to survive against all odds. Can you survive five nights without being taken down by the Flip Ninjas? The horrors that lurk in the dark recesses of Flip Out can only be survived by the most cautious and strategic gamers.