MF Dark Forest is a monumental first-person shooter game where players rejoin the elite masked combat unit to confront an array of lethal adversaries.
The main goal is to navigate through a dark forest filled with challenges and opponents, ultimately defeating the final boss or achieving specific objectives set by the game.
Turn Structure:
Each player takes turns in a clockwise order.
On your turn, you can draw cards, play creatures, cast spells, and take actions.
Players can move their character through the forest, usually determined by rolling dice or drawing movement cards.
Encounter various challenges and opponents along the way.
When encountering an opponent, initiate combat using your creatures and spells.
Resolve combat by comparing power and toughness, applying any effects from spells.
Winning the Game:
Defeat the final boss or complete the objectives to win.
Players may also have individual win conditions based on their decks.
MF Dark Forest combines strategy, combat, and exploration. Enjoy your adventure in the dark forest, and may your strategies lead you to victory!