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About Ghostscape


"It's said that this mansion is haunted...' You've had a lot of supernatural experience and have decided to look into the unusual events that have been happening here. This house has been the scene of multiple alleged killings in the past, and residents claim to hear weird sounds coming from inside. You must learn more..."

Psionic's Ghostscape is a point-and-click adventure game. You play as a paranormal investigator investigating an old, eerie home, which you are trapped within after entering and must unlock by finding the front door key.

You tour the home in the game and photograph supernatural events like as ghosts, orbs, poltergeist activity (moving chairs and cups), and hostile inscriptions on the walls, as well as more ordinary spookiness such as eerie artwork, human bones, and occult objects. You acquire keys to several locked doors, journal entries chronicling a woman's rising paranoia (perhaps due to the Ring of Insanity), and red candles for a pentagram in the attic as the game proceeds. When the candles are lighted, the house's dominant spirit will emerge. She will vanish when photographed and leave the main door key behind, which may be used to exit.

After you leave the home, you'll come across a newspaper item that explains the house's history and primary spirit: the lady whose diary entries you discovered murdered her husband and then hanged herself.

How to play

You can use the mouse and follow the instructions shown on the screen to complete this game

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